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November 3, 2009

Apparently I have a thing for songs that both 1. deal with breakup from a woman’s perspective 2. attain Hot97 rotationification. I’m okay with that, I think. I remember being really into “Let It Go” when it first came out. Unfortunately, I was not as in touch with my taste in music then, so I didn’t know if it was okay for me to like it. That being said, I felt  strong enough to play the song at a party, which a Berklee keyboardist happened to be attending. When the song came on it quickly became clear to everyone attending that his happiness quota had greatly increased. He told me that he really liked the bassline. Because a musical authority deemed the song to be a good song, I thusly felt validated as a sentient being of the highest order. Anyhoo, I am proud to say that this song is old but good. Not “oldie but a goodie” cuz that phrase is kinda annoying right now. Yea, I fux with dephrasing and rephrasing. I was gonna say deidioming and reidioming but I think the “ei” combination (reminiscent, perhaps, of the “aei” combination in my name) would be too difficult. De-idiomizing, on the other hand, is too hyphenated (one hyphen too many) to be considered a coinage. If I had a coin for each coinage I coined I’d have…a lot of coins. I’d be a writer with a lot of coins. I would be a good writer.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Saeid Edward permalink*
    November 9, 2009 12:02 AM

    your imbedding didnt work!

  2. maryam permalink
    November 10, 2009 3:09 AM

    yeah embeddings no worky. can always go to youtube i guesssssss

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